The Riva Group celebrates in 2017 two important anniversaries. On the one hand, 25 years have elapsed since the acquisition of Hennigsdorfer Elektrostahlwerke (HES) and Brandenburger Elektrostahlwerke (BES), which were taken over by the Treuhandanstalt in May 1992 following a public bidding process. On the other hand, the historical Hennigsdorfer works celebrate their 100th anniversary in 2017; a milestone that was reached by the equally historical Brandenburger Fabrik in 2012.
Looking back in time we can definitely say that it has been a success story. Over the past 25 years we have mastered several difficult challenges. Thanks to extensive investments (of approx. 600 million euros), steel production at HES and BES - and thus throughout the state of Brandenburg - has been significantly strengthened and expanded and a continuous improvement of quality and environmental standards has been achieved. Production volumes have steadily increased over the years and have almost doubled since 1992;
Thanks to HES and the BES, the Riva Group has been able to produce till today high-quality steel in Germany, which is known and appreciated all over Europe.