
Sustainability and Responsibility


From the beginning Riva Stahl sees itself and acts as a socially engaged and responsible company. At this regard, the concept of responsibility is substantially linked to the concept of sustainability, that is, social responsibility is primarily understood at Riva Stahl as a corporate model of sustainability, that has been successfully developed , as can be concretely seen from the 25 years of history of the Group in Germany.

For Riva Stahl, sustainability is the key prerequisite for a long term economic success. In fact, it is the precondition for augmenting the acceptance of the company in the society, guaranteeing on the long term its future and consequently the work places of its employees. Sustainability is based on several foundational columns: ecology, economy and society. Consequently, a company aiming at a model of sustainable management needs to be balanced in these areas. Moreover, it must have a holistic approach and consider all issues and aspects under different point of view: environmental protection, work safety, energy management, product innovation, quality assurance, care of the employees, customer service, maintenance of the plances etc.

In regard to these issues, Riva Stahl , from the times of the take-over in the beginning of the Nineties, has upgraded its German establishments to the highest possible level by continually investing huge amounts in them, thereby guaranteeing to the three industrial plants - Brandenburg, Hennigsdorf and Lampertheim - a high degree standard in terms of production, quality, work conditions and environment.

Among others, also the SustSteel® sustainability system was introduced and certified by Bureau Veritas. This system was integrated in the existing management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001. Thanks to our sustainability management we are able to measure the sustainability performance of our works on the basis of performance indicators, and thus outline the continuous improvement process.

Last not least, our staff plays an important role towards our economic success. For this reason, in particular as a family enterprise, we want to create work conditions for our employees that help them to balance in the best possible way their work related and their private needs. Our health promotion projects and our training programmes aim at keeping our employees satisfied. Our corporate improvement proposal system enhances new ideas and stimulates the internal improvements of the processes.